Arrange the spoons in the middle of the table in a circular shape, making sure everyone can reach. For example, if there are five players, you may pull out all four aces, kings, queens, jacks. Spoons card game Card games, Cards, London blog Battleships, beer pong, jenga, monopoly, risk, twister and snakes n ladders. Spoons drinking game no cards . To play you’ll need at least 4 friends and no more then 12 friends with everyone having a big mug of their favorite beverage, preferably beer. All you need is a deck of cards and one less spoon then you have people playing. Everyone is dealt four cards. So read on for a selection of drinking games without cards as a requirement! The number of spoons in a pile always needs to be one less than the number of people. Deal four to seven cards face down to each player to start (the fewer cards each person receives, the longer the game will take). Bring one spoon less than the number of players, which means if you have 5 player...